The following is my translation/adaptation of tutorial #2 at My last post was a translation of tutorial #2, which dealt with triangles — this is the reason why this post’s title is called “#3: Matrices”. The end result of this tutorial is a 3D triangle with 3 different colored vertices that are interpolated smoothly by OpenGL.
My version again uses the code from The Data.Vec
import is for the Vec
package. Like my last post, my code here does does not use
puts everything, including the GLSL shaders
directly into the code. The RankNTypes
and TypeOperators
extensions are only there to suppress warnings from using
ghc --make -Wall
; if you don’t want to use these extensions, just
remove the type signature for the vec3
function near the bottom.
I have also removed the use of backticks for Haskell’s infix notation
). It’s not because I like using parentheses — I just don’t
like using infix notation because it runs against the argument handling
order of normal functions found everywhere else.
Also, I have fixed YPares’s original lookAt
function which is actually
broken as of commit 7a027b927d061fbd26138cb7357c40c4cacbc927; you will need
my version if you wish to pursue the later tutorials that actually test
the validity of this function, such as the keyboard/mouse input tutorial
#6 from
The code here is released into the Public Domain.
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vec
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import qualified "GLFW-b" Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw
import System.Exit
data GLIDs = GLIDs
{ progId :: !GLuint
, vertexArrayId :: !GLuint
, vertexAttrib :: !GLuint
, vertexBufferId :: !GLuint
, colorAttrib :: !GLuint
, colorBufferId :: !GLuint
, mvpMatrixUniform :: !GLint
withNewPtr :: Storable b => (Ptr b -> IO a) -> IO b
withNewPtr f = alloca (\p -> f p >> peek p)
initialize :: IO GLFW.Window
initialize = do
ok <- GLFW.init
when (not ok) $ do
_ <- fail "Failed to initialize GLFW"
mapM_ GLFW.windowHint
[ GLFW.WindowHint'Samples 4 -- 4x antialiasing
, GLFW.WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3 -- OpenGL 3.3
, GLFW.WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 3
, GLFW.WindowHint'OpenGLProfile GLFW.OpenGLProfile'Core
win <- GLFW.createWindow 800 600 "Window Title" Nothing Nothing
when (isNothing win) $ do
_ <- fail "Failed to create OpenGL window"
win' = fromJust win
GLFW.makeContextCurrent win
GLFW.setStickyKeysInputMode win' GLFW.StickyKeysInputMode'Enabled
return win'
initializeGL :: IO GLIDs
initializeGL = do
glClearColor 0 0 0.4 0
progId <- loadProgram
("vertexShader2", vertexShader2)
("fragmentShader2", fragmentShader2)
v <- withCString "vertexPosition_modelspace"
$ glGetAttribLocation progId
c <- withCString "vertexColor" $ glGetAttribLocation progId
m <- withCString "MVP" $ glGetUniformLocation progId
vertexAttrib <- findAttribUniform v "vertexPosition_modelspace"
colorAttrib <- findAttribUniform c "vertexColor"
mvpMatrixUniform <- findAttribUniform m "MVP"
vertexArrayId <- newVAO
vertexBufferId <- fillNewBuffer vertexBufferData
colorBufferId <- fillNewBuffer colorBufferData
return GLIDs{..}
vertexBufferData :: [GLfloat]
vertexBufferData =
-- x, y, z
[ -1, -1, 0
, 1, -1, 0
, 0, 1, 0
colorBufferData :: [GLfloat]
colorBufferData =
[ 1, 0, 0
, 0, 1, 0
, 0, 0, 1
findAttribUniform x name = if x < 0
then error $ "`" ++ name ++ "' cannot be found!"
else return $ fromIntegral x
freeResources :: GLIDs -> IO ()
freeResources GLIDs{..} = do
with vertexBufferId $ glDeleteBuffers 1
with colorBufferId $ glDeleteBuffers 1
with vertexArrayId $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1
newVAO :: IO GLuint
newVAO = do
vaId <- withNewPtr (glGenVertexArrays 1)
glBindVertexArray vaId
return vaId
fillNewBuffer :: [GLfloat] -> IO GLuint
fillNewBuffer xs = do
bufId <- withNewPtr (glGenBuffers 1)
glBindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER bufId
withArrayLen xs func -- give given vertices to OpenGL
return bufId
func len ptr = glBufferData
(fromIntegral (len * sizeOf (undefined :: GLfloat)))
(ptr :: Ptr GLfloat)
bindBufferToAttrib :: GLuint -> GLuint -> IO ()
bindBufferToAttrib bufId attribLoc = do
glEnableVertexAttribArray attribLoc
glBindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER bufId
attribLoc -- attribute location in the shader
3 -- 3 components per vertex
gl_FLOAT -- coord type
(fromBool False) -- normalize?
0 -- stride
nullPtr -- vertex buffer offset
loadProgram :: (String, String) -> (String, String) -> IO GLuint
loadProgram vertShader fragShader = do
shaderIds <- mapM (uncurry loadShader)
[ (gl_VERTEX_SHADER, vertShader)
, (gl_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragShader)
progId <- glCreateProgram
putStrLn "Linking program"
mapM_ (glAttachShader progId) shaderIds
glLinkProgram progId
_ <- checkStatus
gl_LINK_STATUS glGetProgramiv glGetProgramInfoLog progId
mapM_ glDeleteShader shaderIds
return progId
loadShader :: GLenum -> (String, String) -> IO GLuint
loadShader shaderTypeFlag (name, code) = do
shaderId <- glCreateShader shaderTypeFlag
withCString code $ \codePtr ->
with codePtr $ \codePtrPtr ->
glShaderSource shaderId 1 codePtrPtr nullPtr
putStrLn $ "Compiling shader `" ++ name ++ "'"
glCompileShader shaderId
_ <- checkStatus
gl_COMPILE_STATUS glGetShaderiv glGetShaderInfoLog shaderId
return shaderId
checkStatus :: (Integral a1, Storable a1)
=> GLenum
-> (t -> GLenum -> Ptr a1 -> IO a)
-> (t -> a1 -> Ptr a3 -> Ptr Foreign.C.Types.CChar -> IO a2)
-> t
-> IO Bool
checkStatus statusFlag glGetFn glInfoLogFn componentId = do
fetch info = withNewPtr (glGetFn componentId info)
status <- liftM toBool $ fetch statusFlag
logLength <- fetch gl_INFO_LOG_LENGTH
when (logLength > 0) $
allocaArray0 (fromIntegral logLength) $ \msgPtr -> do
_ <- glInfoLogFn componentId logLength nullPtr msgPtr
msg <- peekCString msgPtr
(if status then putStrLn else fail) msg
return status
fragmentShader2 :: String
fragmentShader2 = unlines
[ "#version 330 core"
, "in vec3 fragmentColor;"
, "out vec3 finalColor;"
, "void main()"
, "{"
, "finalColor= fragmentColor;"
, "}"
vertexShader2 :: String
vertexShader2 = unlines
[ "#version 330 core"
-- Input vertex data, different for all executions of this shader.
, "in vec3 vertexPosition_modelspace;"
, "in vec3 vertexColor;"
-- Values that stay constant for the whole mesh
, "uniform mat4 MVP;"
, "out vec3 fragmentColor;"
, "void main()"
, "{"
, "fragmentColor = vertexColor;"
, "vec4 v = vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace, 1);"
, "gl_Position = MVP * v;"
, "}"
main :: IO ()
main = do
win <- initialize
glids <- initializeGL
inputLoop win glids
freeResources glids
return ()
inputLoop :: GLFW.Window -> GLIDs -> IO ()
inputLoop win glids = do
drawStuff glids
GLFW.swapBuffers win
keyState <- GLFW.getKey win GLFW.Key'Escape
closeWindow <- GLFW.windowShouldClose win
when (keyState /= GLFW.KeyState'Pressed && closeWindow == False) $
inputLoop win glids
drawStuff :: GLIDs -> IO ()
drawStuff GLIDs{..} = do
glUseProgram progId
-- the (fromBool True) is because we are ROW-first (Data.Vec)
with mvpMatrix
$ glUniformMatrix4fv mvpMatrixUniform 1 (fromBool True)
. castPtr
bindBufferToAttrib vertexBufferId vertexAttrib
bindBufferToAttrib colorBufferId colorAttrib
glDrawArrays gl_TRIANGLES 0 3
glDisableVertexAttribArray colorAttrib
glDisableVertexAttribArray vertexAttrib
-- Some higher-order math helper functions. Depending on what math
-- library you use, you'd use the functions that comes with that
-- library. The functions here are from the Data.Vec package.
vec3 :: forall a a1 a2. a -> a1 -> a2 -> a :. (a1 :. (a2 :. ()))
vec3 x y z = x :. y :. z:. ()
mvpMatrix :: Mat44 GLfloat
mvpMatrix = multmm (multmm projection view) model
projection = perspective 0.1 100 (pi/4) (4/3)
view = lookAt (vec3 4 3 3) (vec3 0 0 0) (vec3 0 1 0)
model = identity
-- The closest relative to this function is Data.Vec's `rotationLookAt`. We just
-- mirror the code found in the GLM library ( An additional
-- resource is Jeremiah van Oosten's "Understanding the View Matrix", found at
lookAt :: Floating a => Vec3 a -> Vec3 a -> Vec3 a -> Mat44 a
lookAt eye target up = x :. y :. z :. h :. ()
forward = normalize $ target - eye
right = normalize $ cross forward up
up' = cross right forward
x = snoc right (-(dot right eye))
y = snoc up' (-(dot up' eye))
z = snoc (-forward) (dot forward eye)
h = 0 :. 0 :. 0 :. 1 :. ()