OpenGL from Haskell


The following is my translation/adaptation of tutorial #2 at It draws a single red triangle on the screen with a dark blue background. It takes quite a bit of boilerplate code just to get something on the screen!

My version uses the code from, but does not use Control.Applicative and also does not put the shaders containing GLSL in a separate text file. Everything is self-contained in one file, and it only uses the PackageImports and RecordWildCards GHC extensions. The PackageImports is only necessary if you have both GLFW and GLFW-b Hackage packages installed in your system (as they have a name clash of Graphics.UI.GLFW, you need to disambiguate this import by specifying the package name). The RecordWildCards extension is pretty standard and exists purely for syntactic sugar (no type-level hoops and such) — if you don’t know about it you should google it.

I went ahead and added type signatures for all top-level functions — something that many Haskell tutorial writers hate doing for some strange, unknown reason.1 Also, I ran the code through ghc --make -Wall and silenced all warnings.

I hereby release it into the Public Domain. From what I can tell, YPares’s code doesn’t have a license… I think this should be OK.

{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import qualified "GLFW-b" Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw
import System.Exit

data GLIDs = GLIDs
  { progId :: !GLuint
  , vertexArrayId :: !GLuint
  , vertexBufferId :: !GLuint

withNewPtr :: Storable b => (Ptr b -> IO a) -> IO b
withNewPtr f = alloca (\p -> f p >> peek p)

initialize :: IO GLFW.Window
initialize = do
  ok <- GLFW.init
  when (not ok) $ do
    _ <- fail "Failed to initialize GLFW"
  mapM_ GLFW.windowHint
    [ GLFW.WindowHint'Samples 4 -- 4x antialiasing
    , GLFW.WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3 -- OpenGL 3.3
    , GLFW.WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 3
    -- we don't want the old OpenGL
    , GLFW.WindowHint'OpenGLProfile GLFW.OpenGLProfile'Core

  win <- GLFW.createWindow 800 600 "Window Title" Nothing Nothing
  when (isNothing win) $ do
    _ <- fail "Failed to create OpenGL window"
    win' = fromJust win
  GLFW.makeContextCurrent win

  GLFW.setStickyKeysInputMode win' GLFW.StickyKeysInputMode'Enabled

  return win'

initializeGL :: IO GLIDs
initializeGL = do
  glClearColor 0 0 0.4 0
  progId <- loadProgram vertexShader1 fragmentShader1
  vaId <- newVAO
  bufId <- fillNewBuffer vertexBufferData
  return $ GLIDs
    { progId = progId
    , vertexArrayId = vaId
    , vertexBufferId = bufId

freeResources :: GLIDs -> IO ()
freeResources GLIDs{..} = do
  with vertexBufferId $ glDeleteBuffers 1
  with vertexArrayId $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1

newVAO :: IO GLuint
newVAO = do
  vaId <- withNewPtr (glGenVertexArrays 1)
  glBindVertexArray vaId
  return vaId

fillNewBuffer :: [GLfloat] -> IO GLuint
fillNewBuffer xs = do
  bufId <- withNewPtr (glGenBuffers 1)
  glBindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER bufId
  withArrayLen xs func -- give given vertices to OpenGL
  return bufId
  func len ptr = glBufferData
    (fromIntegral (len * sizeOf (undefined :: GLfloat)))
    (ptr :: Ptr GLfloat)

bindBufferToAttrib :: GLuint -> GLuint -> IO ()
bindBufferToAttrib bufId attribLoc = do
  glEnableVertexAttribArray attribLoc
  glBindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER bufId
    attribLoc -- attribute location in the shader
    3 -- 3 components per vertex
    gl_FLOAT -- coord type
    (fromBool False) -- normalize?
    0 -- stride
    nullPtr -- vertex buffer offset

loadProgram :: String -> String -> IO GLuint
loadProgram vertShader fragShader = do
  shaderIds <- mapM (uncurry loadShader)
    [ (gl_VERTEX_SHADER, vertShader)
    , (gl_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragShader)
  progId <- glCreateProgram
  putStrLn "Linking program"
  mapM_ (glAttachShader progId) shaderIds
  glLinkProgram progId
  _ <- checkStatus
    gl_LINK_STATUS glGetProgramiv glGetProgramInfoLog progId
  mapM_ glDeleteShader shaderIds
  return progId

loadShader :: GLenum -> String -> IO GLuint
loadShader shaderTypeFlag code = do
  shaderId <- glCreateShader shaderTypeFlag
  withCString code $ \codePtr ->
    with codePtr $ \codePtrPtr ->
      glShaderSource shaderId 1 codePtrPtr nullPtr
  putStrLn "Compiling shader..."
  glCompileShader shaderId
  _ <- checkStatus
    gl_COMPILE_STATUS glGetShaderiv glGetShaderInfoLog shaderId
  return shaderId

checkStatus :: (Integral a1, Storable a1)
  => GLenum
  -> (t -> GLenum -> Ptr a1 -> IO a)
  -> (t -> a1 -> Ptr a3 -> Ptr Foreign.C.Types.CChar -> IO a2)
  -> t
  -> IO Bool
checkStatus statusFlag glGetFn glInfoLogFn componentId = do
    fetch info = withNewPtr (glGetFn componentId info)
  status <- liftM toBool $ fetch statusFlag
  logLength <- fetch gl_INFO_LOG_LENGTH
  when (logLength > 0) $
    allocaArray0 (fromIntegral logLength) $ \msgPtr -> do
      _ <- glInfoLogFn componentId logLength nullPtr msgPtr
      msg <- peekCString msgPtr
      (if status then putStrLn else fail) msg
  return status

fragmentShader1 :: String
fragmentShader1 = unlines
  [ "#version 330 core"
  , "out vec3 color;"
  , "void main()"
  , "{"
    , "color =  vec3(1,0,0);" -- paint it red!
  , "}"

vertexShader1 :: String
vertexShader1 = unlines
  [ "#version 330 core"
  , "layout(location = 0) in vec3 vPosition_modelspace;"
  , "void main()"
  , "{"
    , " = vPosition_modelspace;"
    , "gl_Position.w = 1.0;"
  , "}"

vertexBufferData :: [GLfloat]
vertexBufferData =
  -- x, y, z
  [ -1, -1, 0
  ,  1, -1, 0
  ,  0,  1, 0

main :: IO ()
main = do
  win <- initialize
  glids <- initializeGL
  inputLoop win glids
  freeResources glids
  return ()

inputLoop :: GLFW.Window -> GLIDs -> IO ()
inputLoop win glids = do
  drawStuff glids
  GLFW.swapBuffers win
  keyState <- GLFW.getKey win GLFW.Key'Escape
  closeWindow <- GLFW.windowShouldClose win
  when (keyState /= GLFW.KeyState'Pressed && closeWindow == False) $
    inputLoop win glids

drawStuff :: GLIDs -> IO ()
drawStuff GLIDs{..} = do
  glUseProgram progId
  bindBufferToAttrib vertexBufferId 0
  glDrawArrays gl_TRIANGLES 0 3 -- for attrib array 0, draw 3 vertices
  glDisableVertexAttribArray 0 -- disable attrib array 0

  1. Seriously, why do so many Haskell tutorials omit function type signatures?↩︎