So just yesterday, I did a live coding interview. Looking back, the problem I was presented with was very simple, but true to my usual nervous self, I over-analzyed the problem — completely missing the point and needlessly complicating things. In an effort to redeem myself, I thought about the problem again and even went out as to write tests for it, in both Ruby and Haskell. If you want to have a crack at the problem yourself, be conservative about scrolling down the page! Without further ado, I present the problem to you.
The Problem
You are a game engine API writer. You need to implement a mechanism that
allows your developers to store and retrieve game moves based on the
input to the game engine. The two functions for this mechanism should be
named register()
and on_button()
should take a named button sequence, and store it into the
database of all named sequences. A single named sequence might look like
this: (["down", "forward", "punch"], "hadoken")
should take a single key, and then return all named
sequences that match the ones in the database. E.g.,
should return "hadoken"
if the previous two
inputs were "down"
and "forward"
Some Constraints
Multiple Sequences
Because our API is flexible, we allow multiple named sequences with the same sequence. Thus, you can expect something like this:
register(["up", "punch"], "uppercut")
register(["up", "punch"], "uppercut_2")
on_button("up") # no result
on_button("punch") # ["uppercut", "uppercut_2"]
. You don’t have to worry about multiple named sequences with the same sequence and also the same name — we will worry about this “exact duplicate” situation in a later version of our API.
Input History
You might have noticed that on_button()
depends on the input history
of whatever buttons were previously entered into the game. Because of
this, you can alternatively write an on_buttons()
function (plural
with an “s”) that takes the history of buttons as input; this way you
don’t have to silently depend on the global state of input history.
My Nervous-Wreck Solution
I decided to use pure Haskell code in the actual interview. The code I wrote had the general idea, but it was a big failure because it performed a naive, custom search without any thought given to data structures. I actually went back and revised the code to make it compile and work after the interview was over; here it is in all its glory:
import Data.List
type ButtonSeqDB = [(ButtonSeq, Name)]
type ButtonSeq = [String]
type Name = String
-- Default DB of button sequences.
buttonSeqDB :: ButtonSeqDB
buttonSeqDB =
[ (["down", "forward", "punch"], "hadoken")
, (["forward", "punch"], "charger")
, (["up", "punch"], "uppercut")
register :: ButtonSeq -> Name -> ButtonSeqDB -> ButtonSeqDB
register sequence name db
| null sequence = db
| alreadyExists = db
| otherwise = (sequence, name) : db
alreadyExists = elem (sequence, name) db
onButtons :: ButtonSeq -> ButtonSeqDB -> [Name]
onButtons buttonHist db = map snd
. fst
. foldl step ([], db)
$ reverse buttonHist
step acc@(foundSoFar, dbRem) button
| null remaining = acc
| otherwise =
( foundSoFar ++ entriesComplete
, dbRem'
remaining = filter ((==button) . last . fst)
$ filter (not . null . fst) dbRem
dbRem' = map (\(a, b) -> (init a, b)) remaining
entriesComplete = filter (null . fst) dbRem'
. I have to admit, the step
function in onButtons
is essentially
unreadable. But it does work:
$ ghci code/toy/game-button-seq/interview_ver.hs
GHCi, version 7.8.4: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( code/toy/game-button-seq/interview_ver.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> onButtons ["down", "down", "forward", "punch"] buttonSeqDB
Anyway, I will explain the behavior of the code. The first thing to
notice is that we feed into step
the reversed list of buttonHist
so that we examine the button press history, from newest to oldest. So
we look at the just-pressed-button, then the one before that, and the
one before, etc, backwards up the history.
As we look at each button
, we use it to filter out all known
sequences. This filtering is done in remaining
, where we check the
last button of every known sequence, and see if that matches the current
button. That’s what the line filter ((==button) . last . fst)
the sister line filter (not . null . fst) dbRem
is just there to
prevent calling last
on an empty list.
After we’re done checking, we modify the entire sequence database db
such that we only care about the first \(N - 1\) buttons in the sequence.
This way, on the next iteration, we can rest assured that checking
against the “last” button in a sequence is not always the same button.
In subsequent runs of step
, we have dbRem
’s sequences slowly get
reduced down to nothing as we keep chopping off all sequences’ last
button. Keep in mind that we feed the filtered, matching entries of db
back into subsequent runs of step
, so that effectively we’re only
working with matching sequences. Once we reach down to no buttons, we
label these named sequences as entriesComplete
, and append it into
Obviously, this code has many problems. First, it is virtually unreadable. Readability is important, and the code feels very counter-intuitive — it is marvelously complex when the problem statement sounds so simple.
Second, the fact that we have to bring in and mutate dbRem
, which is a
copy of the original given ButtonSeqDB
type, seems wasteful. We’re
wasting a lot of CPU cycles here.
Ruby Solution Using Hashes
So on the day after (that is, today as of the time of this writing), I thought about the problem again and realized we can use hashes. It is a very simple approach, with far less lines of code. I even wrote some tests for it. Here is the implementation below.
module GameButtonSeq
# button_seq = ["down", "forward", "punch"]
# name = "hadoken"
# button_seq_db = a hash of {sequence => name}, but a sequence can have
# multiple names if that sequence already exists.
def GameButtonSeq.register(button_seq, name, button_seq_db)
# If the sequence already exists, simply add the new name to the old name,
# and store it as a list of names.
if button_seq_db.key?(button_seq)
button_seq_db[button_seq] = [name] + button_seq_db[button_seq]
button_seq_db[button_seq] = [name]
def GameButtonSeq.on_buttons(button_seq, button_seq_db)
found = []
# We search the entire button_seq_db hash for the full length of N buttons
# first, then N - 1 buttons, then N - 2 buttons, until the search input
# becomes 0. Meanwhile, we collect any and all matches that come our way.
# The point is to search based on the *last* input button, as this is the
# "current" button that should "finish" whatever combination/move we were
# trying to do.
while button_seq.size > 0
if button_seq_db.key?(button_seq)
found << button_seq_db[button_seq]
# Discard oldest button press, and search again. Even if we have a match,
# it's important to search for other matches, too.
# Clean up, so that we get ["foo", "bar"] instead of [["foo"], ["bar"]].
def GameButtonSeq.add_hist(button_hist, button_name)
button_hist + [button_name]
And here is the test suite for it. You can run it with
ruby test_hash_ver.rb
require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative './hash_ver.rb'
class TestPuz < Minitest::Test
def setup
@db = GameButtonSeq.register(["down", "forward", "punch"], "hadoken", {})
@db = GameButtonSeq.register(["forward", "punch"], "charger", @db)
@db = GameButtonSeq.register(["up", "punch"], "uppercut", @db)
# Aside: We can easily limit the size of button_hist[] by forcefully always
# saving only the last N key presses, with N determined by the longest
# button sequence.
@button_hist = []
@button_hist = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "down")
@button_hist = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "down")
@button_hist = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "down")
@button_hist = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "forward")
@button_hist = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "punch")
def test_button_seq_multiple_names_entered
db2 = GameButtonSeq.register(["up", "punch"], "uppercut_2", @db)
button_hist2 = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "up")
button_hist2 = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(button_hist2, "punch")
assert_equal ["uppercut_2", "uppercut"],
GameButtonSeq.on_buttons(button_hist2, db2)
def test_button_seq_no_sequence_found
# Add an unrecognized button.
button_hist2 = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "back")
assert_equal [],
GameButtonSeq.on_buttons(button_hist2, @db)
def test_button_seq_one_sequence_found
button_hist2 = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(@button_hist, "up")
button_hist2 = GameButtonSeq.add_hist(button_hist2, "punch")
assert_equal ["uppercut"],
GameButtonSeq.on_buttons(button_hist2, @db)
def test_button_seq_multiple_sequences_found
assert_equal ["hadoken", "charger"],
GameButtonSeq.on_buttons(@button_hist, @db)
The key insight was when I realized that you could indeed use a hash
even though we have the requirement that multiple, identical button
sequences can have different names. The trick is to simply store the
value as not a single name, but an array of possible names. This is
reflected in the GameButtonSeq.register
The heart of on_buttons()
is a single while
loop that checks the
given button history against the database; we reduce the button sequence
by 1 button on each iteration to check against shorter matches as well.
That’s what the button_seq.shift
is for.
Haskell Solution Using Hashes
Inspired by the Ruby solution, I rewrote a Haskell version — with tests to boot! Here is the implementation.
module GameButtonSeq where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
-- The database stores a list of Name values, because multiple sequences can
-- have the same name, in which case we store just one instance of the sequence,
-- but a list of multiple Name values.
type ButtonSeqDB = M.Map ButtonSeq [Name]
type ButtonSeq = [String]
type Name = String
-- If a button sequence is already given some set of names, add the current
-- given name into that list of names..
register :: (ButtonSeq, Name) -> ButtonSeqDB -> ButtonSeqDB
register (buttonSeq, name) db = case M.lookup buttonSeq db of
Just names -> M.insert buttonSeq (name:names) db
Nothing -> M.insert buttonSeq [name] db
-- Input `buttonSeq` is a list of buttons pressed, from oldest to newest, so
-- that the head of the list contains the oldest button.
onButtons :: ButtonSeq -> ButtonSeqDB -> [Name]
onButtons buttonHist db = concatMap extractNames buttonHists
buttonHists = take (length buttonHist) $ iterate tail buttonHist
extractNames bHist = case M.lookup bHist db of
Just names -> names
Nothing -> []
onButtons2 :: ButtonSeq -> ButtonSeqDB -> [Name]
onButtons2 buttonHist db = concat $ mapMaybe (flip M.lookup db) buttonHists
buttonHists = take (length buttonHist) $ iterate tail buttonHist
The file is named GameButtonSeq
because of Haskell naming conventions
for files containing module code. And here is the test for it.
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import GameButtonSeq
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tests" [qcProps, unitTests]
qcProps :: TestTree
qcProps = testGroup "(checked by QuickCheck)"
[ QC.testProperty "GameButtonSeq (empty DB cannot produce matches)" $
\buttonHist -> onButtons (buttonHist :: ButtonSeq) M.empty == []
unitTests :: TestTree
unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests"
[ testCase "GameButtonSeq (entry of multiple sequences with same name)" $
(onButtons ["up", "punch"]
$ register (["up", "punch"], "uppercut_2") buttonSeqDB)
["uppercut_2", "uppercut"]
, testCase "GameButtonSeq (no sequence found)" $
["down", "down", "forward", "punch", "down"]
, testCase "GameButtonSeq (one sequences found)" $
["down", "down", "up", "punch"]
, testCase "GameButtonSeq (multiple sequences found)" $
["down", "down", "forward", "punch"]
["hadoken", "charger"]
-- Default DB of button sequences.
buttonSeqDB :: M.Map ButtonSeq [Name]
buttonSeqDB = M.fromList
[ (["down", "forward", "punch"], ["hadoken"])
, (["forward", "punch"], ["charger"])
, (["up", "punch"], ["uppercut"])
This Haskell version uses the standard Data.Map
module, which provides
an efficient, basic hash data structure. What we first do is expand
to all of the cases we are interested in — namely, all of
the subsequences of concern. E.g., given a list like
["up", "down", "right", "left"]
, buttonHists
[ ["up", "down", "right", "left"]
, ["down", "right", "left"]
, ["right", "left"]
, ["left"]
(spaces added for readability). What we do is reduce the initial input list into all of the “sublist” combinations of \(N\) buttons, \(N - 1\) buttons, \(N - 2\) buttons, etc.
The next step is to simply look at each sublist with concatMap
calling extractNames
; we treat each sublist as a key, and look for it
in our db
hash. We then simply concatenate the results.
The onButtons2
is an alternate version which uses mapMaybe
to reduce
it down to just two lines of code.
I cringe as I look back at the half-baked code I wrote during the interview. Even the working, compilable version that I wrote after the interview remains ugly and hard to reason about. I can picture my interviewer being grossed out by my ugly, hacky version wondering if I even know what hashes are…
The moral of the story is to think carefully about the most obvious data structure to use, before embarking on writing a solution — no matter how trivial it seems. For myself, I was nervous and did not realize how simple the problem actually was until the day after when I rewrote the solution in Ruby. It was so simple and straightforward that I even wrote some test cases for it1.
I hope you had some fun writing out your own solutions. Happy hacking!
You can test the Haskell hash version in this blog post if you clone this blog’s repo and then build it with Cabal (I’ve listed the program as an executable with all the constraints in the
file in the repo root folder). For the Ruby version, simply doruby path/to/test_hash_ver.rb
and Ruby will run the tests inside.↩︎