Using Hakyll with GitHub Pages

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Update 2014: I do not use hsenv any more; instead, I use cabal sandboxes — and so should you!

I decided to ditch, because:

Now, why choose Hakyll? I chose it because it’s the only Haskell static site generator out there with real users and active development. Granted, the road to using Hakyll was very difficult, because right now actually it is in a transition stage to the new Hakyll version 4. However, the hurdles were well worth it.

My system is Arch Linux.

Install cabal

First, we need to install the cabal-install package from the [extra] repo.

sudo pacman -S cabal-install

Install hsenv with cabal

Now we need to install hsenv. hsenv is neat because it allows you to have a sandboxed cabal/haskell/ghc environment on a per-shell-session basis. The biggest dependency is pandoc, which actually fails to install using plain cabal; not to worry, because [extra] already has the haskell-pandoc package.

sudo pacman -S haskell-pandoc

Now we install hsenv. We use the forked version from tmhedberg’s repo because the original maintainer’s repo has been suffering from bitrot for a few months now (the original maintainer has disappeared).

git clone --depth 1 git://
cd hsenv
cabal install

Download hakyll and install it with hsenv for your new blog

Now we need to get the latest hakyll. I decided to check out the hakyll4 branch because from what I can tell this version allows you to do painless syntax highlighting with pandoc. You could just use the regular master branch (hakyll 3.x) but syntax highlighting support on code blocks is a pain; plus, you’re going to have to migrate to hakyll 4 later anyway, so just use hakyll4.

git clone --depth 1 -b hakyll4

The hakyll4 repo has several working sample blog sites. Now go into the just-cloned hakyll repo, and copy the contents of the data/example folder to your new blog’s directory.

cp ~/hakyll/data/example ~/myblog

Now go to your myblog folder and instantiate a hsenv sandbox, and then install hakyll into this sandbox.

cd ~/myblog
source .hsenv_myblog/bin/activate
cd ~/hakyll
cabal install
cd ~/myblog

The hsenv basically changes your shell’s path parameters and also installs everything into the .hsenv_myblog folder, thus giving your shell a different “vision”, so to speak, of what packages are installed. We use the sandbox environment inside hsenv whenever we want to generate our blog’s static generator binary (remember, hakyll is just a library; we need to write a static site generator program that makes use of it to generate the static html/css).

To deactivate the sandbox, invoke deactivate_hsenv or just close your shell. Just remember to call source .hsenv_myblog/bin/activate when you want to make changes to your blog or edit your blog’s binary. A sample creating/edition session would look something like this:

cd ~/myblog
source .hsenv_myblog/bin/activate
# edit some files, including site.hs, the static generator binary
# compile site.hs
./site rebuild
./site preview

Your static site will be available at ~/myblog/_site.

Create and upload your site to GitHub

At your GitHub site/account, create a repo named Now link it up with your static site:

cd ~/myblog/_site
git init
git add *.html # add css, etc.
git commit -m "initial import"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master


This site’s source code is available here. This site’s static code is available here.