Rearrange list (2-way partitioning)

1. Problem statement

Given a list of numbers, rearrange the elements so that the even numbers appear first (Aziz et al., 2018, p. 41). Return the number of even numbers found.

2. Insights

With a list, we can operate efficiently on both ends at the same time (that is, instead of traversing only left-to-right, we can also traverse right-to-left at the same time).

3. Solution

def even_odd(ints):
    idx_even = 0
    idx_odd = len(ints) - 1

    while idx_even < idx_odd:
        if ints[idx_odd] & 1:
            idx_odd -= 1
            ints[idx_even], ints[idx_odd] = ints[idx_odd], ints[idx_even]
            idx_even += 1

    # Return the number of even numbers found.
    if ints and ints[idx_even] & 1 == 0:
        idx_even += 1
    return idx_even

In even_odd(), the given list of numbers is modified in-place so that all the even numbers are placed in front of the list. We use 2 indices, idx_even and idx_odd, and they are set to the left-edge and right-edge of the list, respectively. Below is an example with the list [13, 40, 20, 18, 7, 9, 8].

13 40 20 18 7  9  11  (numbers)
0  1  2  3  4  5  6   (list index)
|                 |
`- idx_even       `- idx_odd

The element 11 is odd, so we decrement idx_odd. This happens a couple more times because both 9 and 7 are odd.

13 40 20 18 7  9  11  (numbers)
0  1  2  3  4  5  6   (list index)
|        |
`- idx_even
         `- idx_odd

Now ints[idx_odd] is 18 and it is not odd. So we must swap (and increment idx_even).

18 40 20 13 7  9  11  (numbers)
0  1  2  3  4  5  6   (list index)
   |     |
   `- idx_even
         `- idx_odd

40 is even (and so is 20) so we end up hitting this code path a couple more times, so idx_even eventually gets incremented to 3, and at this point the while loop terminates.

Let's have a closer look at the while loop inside even_odd().

    while idx_even < idx_odd:

The idx_even < idx_odd just means to stop processing whenever the two indices cross over each other (because we must uphold the guarantee of having the odd numbers on the right side of the list when we're done processing).

Now let's check the if condition.

        if ints[idx_odd] & 1:
            idx_odd -= 1

This part is straightforward — if we observe that the number which idx_odd is pointing to is already odd, it's already in the correct position. So the only thing left to do is to decrement idx_odd so that we can consider the next number to the left.

Now comes the swapping behavior.

            ints[idx_even], ints[idx_odd] = ints[idx_odd], ints[idx_even]
            idx_even += 1

We hit this branch if idx_odd is pointing to an even number. We know that because this number is even, we want to push it to the left edge of the list. Luckily we already have a pointer for this, idx_even. So we perform a swap to throw over the number we just looked at (ints[idx_odd]) over to the "even" side. The number that we get in return as a result of the swap (namely, ints[idx_even]) may or may not be odd. However it doesn't matter because we'll check it in the next iteration of the loop.

Lastly we have to increment idx_even because we know that we just gave it an even number (the one we threw over to the even side). In other words the even side grew by 1 number, so it makes sense to increment idx_even to reflect this growth.

So much for the while loop. As for the calculation of the number of even numbers, this is just the idx_even index, plus 1 if idx_even is currently looking at an even number (after the loop is done incrementing it).

    if ints and ints[idx_even] & 1 == 0:
        idx_even += 1

We have to increment idx_even in such a case because this means that the number it is looking at after the while loop finished was not "thrown over" explicitly by the swapping code path in the loop. This can happen for the case where every number is even — in this case we end up incrementing idx_even until it equals idx_odd (at the tail end of the list), when the loop terminates. Example:

0  2  4  6  8  10 12  (numbers)
0  1  2  3  4  5  6   (list index)
                  `- idx_odd
                  `- idx_even

In this case, idx_even is 6, but there are 7 even numbers in the list. So we have to add 1 to get the correct answer. For all other cases, where idx_even is looking at an odd number, this means that the number immediately to the left of idx_even is the last even number. So there's nothing more to adjust and we already have the correct value, so we do nothing.

4. Tests

from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
import unittest


class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    cases = [
        ([],        [],        0),
        ([0],       [0],       1),
        ([1],       [1],       0),
        ([0, 2],    [2, 0],    2),
        ([1, 2],    [2, 1],    1),
        ([0, 2, 3], [2, 0, 3], 2),
        ([0, 3, 2], [2, 0, 3], 2),
        ([1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5], 0),
        ([2, 4, 6], [6, 2, 4], 3),

    def test_simple_cases(self):
        for given_ints, expected_ints, expected_evens in self.cases:
            got_evens = even_odd(given_ints)

            self.assertEqual(given_ints, expected_ints)
            self.assertEqual(got_evens, expected_evens)

    @given(st.lists(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=100), min_size=0,
    def test_random(self, given_ints):
        even_nums = even_odd(given_ints)
        # If we found some even numbers, these elements must actually all be
        # even. And the remaining elements (if any) must all be odd.
        if even_nums > 0:
            for i in range(0, even_nums):
                self.assertFalse(given_ints[i] & 1)
            for j in range(even_nums, len(given_ints)):
                self.assertTrue(given_ints[j] & 1)
        # If we did not find any even numbers, but the given list was not empty,
        # then it means that all numbers in the list are odd.
        elif given_ints:
            for j in range(0, len(given_ints)):
                self.assertTrue(given_ints[j] & 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

5. References

Aziz, A., Lee, T.-H., & Prakash, A. (2018). Elements of Programming Interviews in Python: The Insiders’ Guide. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (25 July. 2018).